Meet The Hosts



Ken to fill in a short bio of himself.

Chad to fill in a short bio of himself.

Ken’s Retro Resurgence Resume’

What real-life retro event makes you happy? As a 9 year old in 1983, Michael Jackson was everything to me. The Thriller album was still fresh!  My bedroom had Michael Jackson posters on the wall, I had Lazer Blazer stickers, the list goes on. As I sat down in front of the TV on May 16, 1983 to watch Motown 25:Yesterday, Today, Forever, I didn’t know what I was about to see!  Michael Jackson performed the MOONWALK for the first time on live television. I was mesmerized. To this day it always brings a smile to my face whenever I think of it or watch it.

What real-life retro event makes you sad? Sitting in a classroom on January 28, 1986 at Starbuck Middle School, 6th grade. Getting ready to watch a school teacher get launched into outer space in the Space Shuttle Challenger was very exciting. Little did we know that 73 seconds after liftoff, history would be made, but not in a good way. The Challenger exploded killing all 7 astronauts and I can still remember the shock and sadness of that day along with all my classmates.

Who or what is your favorite fictional retro character? A favorite character of my childhood and even now as a 50 year old is Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid movie franchise. I liked that not only was he teaching karate to Daniel, he was also teaching life lessons. He was funny, serious and could also kick butt!  “Wax on, wax off”!

Who or what is your least favorite retro character? Don’t get me wrong, I love the Muppets and all the television and movies throughout the decades that have been created. One character though, has haunted me ever since I was 4 years old. Don Music, an agonized musician on Sesame Street, who could never figure out the words to classic songs. In frustration he would yell, “Oh I’ll never get it, never” and then proceed to bang his head on the piano. Something about those eyes and wild hair always frightened me.

Chad’s Retro Resurgence Resume’

What real-life retro event makes you happy?  For me, it had to be in the spring of 1995 that can be summed up with a 2-word Fax Transmission: “I’m Back.”. Yes, Michael Jordan returns from a year and a half hiatus to the Chicago Bulls. I remember coming home one day after school, and it was unusual to watch a late afternoon basketball game on the weekday, but the NBA on NBC (still a great theme song!)  and watching the Bulls take on the Pacers at Market Square Arena. Jordan is wearing his #45 and everyone is wondering if this will be his new jersey number, and also, how will he perform. Jordan scores a respectable 19 points in his return. (EDIT: It’s funny how your memory works, because after further research it seems the game was played on a Sunday. I could have sworn watching it after coming home from school. Oh well!)

What real-life retro event makes you sad? I’d have to say the first sad thing I can remember where it seemed like everyone was sad was hearing that Princess Diana had died in a car crash. I don’t really remember my mom being too interested in it, but I remember the media coverage of the crash all the way up to the funeral.

Who or what is your favorite fictional retro character? I love the live-action 80’s based Incredible Hulk TV show that I remember watching on the Sci-Fi channel when we first got cable. I was channel surfing and this must have been airing one summer afternoon and just seeing a green-painted Lou Ferrigno being absolutely jacked was a sight to see.

Who or what is your least favorite retro character? I’m going with the despicable Uncle Frank from the Home Alone movies. Having this guy as an uncle had to suck. He only focused on Kevin’s wrongdoings and not any of the other McAlister kids. He was also a cheapskate (“Your Dad paid good money for this!”). I’m glad Kevin didn’t put up with too much of Uncle Frank’s bull jive.